Thursday, February 24, 2011

Creating Again

Ok, enough with the wishing, hoping and longing for springtime and sunshine. It's still only February and the weather man is predicting 2 - 4 more inches for this afternoon. Ugh!
So I decided to take things into my own hands and create a little color surge in my studio. It really felt good to get my hands covered in paint and gel medium and play. It's been way too long since I've done that.
Thank you again (I just can't say it enough) for all your well wishes and sweet thoughts and comments. They have really and truly meant so much to me and are the very thing that has kept me afloat during these past 5 weeks. (Is that all it's been? It seems so much longer than that!) I'm taking baby steps to get my life back in gear and it helps to be surrounded by so much love.

These new creations are currently listed in my Etsy Shop and I hope to be adding more in the coming weeks.
Signature w/rose

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Blizzard 2011

We are smack dab in the middle of a record-breaking blizzard here. These photos were taken near daybreak so the quality isn't all that great. I can't get out of my back door since the snow is drifted in front of it. So far we have about 16-18" of snow on the ground with no end in sight. The 50 mph winds haven't help the situation as the snow drifts have made a bad situation worse. I'll post more pics later, once I can clear the snow away from the door!
Signature w/rose