Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'm Back!!!

You may have wondered what happened to me...or maybe not. Well, I took a little unexpected break from blogging to enjoy the summer. I've spent a lot of the summer up at my cottage in the woods, returning home every few weeks to take care of must-dos, pay bills, water plants, etc. All in all it's been a wonderful and relaxing summer. I've kind of been a free-spirit, which is what inspired me to create the canvas Birds Fly Free which was recently published in Somerset Apprentice Magazine.
This is the first time I've had a piece of my artwork in this particular publication, so you can imagine how thrilled I was when editor Jana Holstein contacted me to ask if she could use it in the magazine.
The photography which accompanies my article really blew me away. It's astounding! It really captures every little detail of the canvas. In fact the entire issue is incredible with articles by Becky Shander, Jeanne Oliver, Kristen Robinson, Donna Downey, Rebekah Meier, and Wendy Brightbill just to name a few.  I am honored to be in the company of such a talented group of artists! 
Signature w/rose