Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Refreshed and Renewed!

It's been a while since I last posted. I have been busy working in my studio trying to reorganize it to make things more manageable and accessible. The first step was to clear a path just to be able to move around. Had to clear some floor space so I could spread out and sort through my stashes of goodies. The room is rather tiny and because I have a love affair with "stuff", it reached the point where something had to give. It felt good to go through and touch all the pretties I have collected over the years. Some things made me wonder what I was thinking when I purchased them. Other things made me say, "Ah-ha! That is where you've been hiding all this time!" This process reminded me that I am an avid collector. I can look at anything and decide that it can be turned into (or worked into) some fabulous piece of art....someday. The keyword here is SOMEDAY! If you ask my DH he would tell you that sometimes someday never comes. I suppose there is some truth in that statement, although I would never admit it to him. But it felt good to clean and purge and see what I have and what I want to keep and what I am ready to part with, etc. etc.

It is funny how inspiring cleaning and organizing can be. I can remember when I was a young girl and was sent to my room to clean it up. After I was finished, I couldn't wait to spend time in there doing things in my newly functional and reorganized room. I don't remember how long it stayed in that condition though. The same thing happens in "my room" as a grown-up. I can't wait to get in there and start a new project using some of my rediscovered treasures. However, once I start to create again, it doesn't take long before the mess starts to reaccumulate all over again. It's just the way I work. But this time when that happens I will have the photograph above to prove that once upon a time I did have a clean desk to work at, an organized shelf of art books, ribbons neatly sorted into jars, current projects stacked on the shelf in pretty paper boxes, magazines that have been weeded out and put into magazine files, ephemera sorted into gingham baskets, and a floor that I can see and walk on without it being a hazard to do so.

On another subject, we went to see Little Miss Sunshine the other day and I loved it! I haven't laughed out loud at a movie for quite a long time. It was quirky and fun....a real feel-good kind of movie.

Tonight is Project Runway...yes, I am a PR junkie. Right now I am pulling for Michael to win.


  1. Ok...this is the second inspiring craft room's killing me because I'm so ready to do this, except the fact I don't have a craft room is an issue. I absolutely love every aspect of your space (can I copy you?)...and by the way....can I borrow a pencil? (how many do you need? and.. are they all pointy?) LOL!

  2. more question: (I can't help being nosy!) What is showing on the surface of your desk top?

  3. PJ: Those aren't all pencils in the milk glass vase. I have a box cutter, letter opener, a few markers, gel pens, and yes some sharpened pencils! Would you believe that there was MORE before I took the picture?! To answer your question regarding what is on the surface of my desk....It's a clear acrylic desk protector I bought from IKEA several years ago. I change out what is under it every so often. Right now I have an article from a magazine titled, "50 Ways To Boost Your Creativity," a color guide from Paper Source, a list of journaling prompts, a greeting card, and a couple of quotes.


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