Wednesday, September 19, 2007

21 Day Challenge {Day Five}

Rhonna's quote for today was from Leon J. Suenes - "Happy are those that dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." How very true! We all have dreams but unless we put some effort into achieving those dreams they will never happen. That's what this 21 Day Challenge is all about. . .putting in the effort to achieve our chosen goal. I am determined to reach my goal - how about you?

I had to really work to get myself on that exercise bike this morning. Like I wrote in my journaling, if it weren't for the 21 Day Challenge I wouldn't have given that bike another look after Day One! Once I force myself to hop on it and start pedalling along it isn't quite as bad, but man getting started on it is sure a struggle. I added the scrap of sheet music to the journal page because I always listen to music on my iPod when I am pedalling because it makes the time go by a lot quicker.

Below is a sneak peek of one of the round robins that I am working on. It is a fun one and I can't wait to share it with you in it's entirety. Soon. . .soon!


  1. Wow!! How true is that quote that Rhonna gave today. It is all about the effort we are prepared to put in.
    Your Journals looking great.

  2. Thanks for the comment-I'm feeling a bit more brave now-hopefully I can find the nerve soon!
    Love all of your stuff!-I love the same type of things-always looking for that little special treasure to put the "cherry on top" of a project.
    I am originally from IL (I miss it so) and Jeanne is a family name how cool*!* Can't wait to see more of your art.

  3. I like the little quote at the bottom. Choose Joy. xo nita

  4. ooooh, I love everything about this page! It's gorgeous!!! And Whoohooo!! for you! For putting the effort in...and isn't this challenge awesome for just that extra little push! You are doing great!!! smiles...

  5. Keep putting forth that effort girl! The journal page is amazing (checking out all the flea market, vintage bloggy links of yours too)!


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