Thursday, April 24, 2008

Look What I Got!!!!!

When I got home from work today, I found those most GIGANTIC box by my front door. I couldn't remember ordering anything that large, but when I got closer I discovered it was from my Junque in my Trunk swap partner Angelina of Angelina's Beautiful Cards. Still in awe of the size of the parcel, I couldn't wait to rip it open to see what was inside. And when I did, I found the most beautiful rose covered suitcase filled with A TON of goodies. I couldn't believe my eyes! Everything is so beautiful and perfectly suited to my taste. Angelina really took a great deal of effort to select such lovely items for me. How lucky am I to have had her as my swap partner? Thank you so much Angelina for such a wonderful gift. I can't wait to dig in and start using it all.

Angelina doesn't know this, but I have two smaller suitcases like the large suitcase she gave me. Now I have a complete set of stacked rose covered luggage to store my collage supplies in.

Saturday is my 2 year Blog Anniversary so I think it's only fitting to have a little GIVEAWAY to celebrate. Be sure to check back here for all the details!


  1. Oh what gorgeous Treasures you received from Angelina.
    So beautiful.

  2. Oh My! I would have to pinch myself a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming! How generous of her :)

  3. HOLY WOW*!*
    I'll bet you're on cloud 9~beautiful beautiful stuff :)

  4. so fun!! you got a ton of goodies!!
    happy 2 year blog!
    have a great weekend.

  5. What beautiful swap treasures, I know you'll enjoy them and create sweet things with it all.

    Happy Anniversary to you and your blog! Isn't this just the most fun ever? I love that we became friends through our blogs, and our shared love of art.

  6. Oh how beautiful! You are so lucky! I'm drooling over here!

  7. What great gifts you have received! And what a great idea to make a slide show, i think i'll do that too! I love that you have received so much things you can create with, lucky girl!

  8. Lili m - I decided to do the slide show because I received soooo many goodies that all those pics would have made for one very long post!

  9. Couldn't stay away for S&T Sunday! Missed the button challenge, so decided to show off my vintage buttons! You can go right over here.

    For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.

    PS Gorgeous swap!


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