Tuesday, December 22, 2009

And it Just Keeps on Coming

More snow today. It looks very pretty and normally I would be thrilled to have a white Christmas. But it does put a damper on things when you still have shopping to do and errands to run. And they are predicting more of the same for tomorrow and the rest of the week. I wish I could just stay home and enjoy it from my window, but it seems like there is always something that you have to run out for at the last minute.

For those of you who don't have to go out and battle the snow, be sure to check out the Joli Paquet blog. Jenny Heid is going to post a sweet tutorial for you later today.
Signature w/rose


  1. Oh, it is so pretty. Our snow is expected tonight into Thursday morning, so I made sure I got everything done and can just hibernate with the kids tomorrow! Happiest of holidays to you!

  2. It's in the 70's here! Tee hee and Merry Christmas!!!

  3. hey doll,
    i hear ya on the weather.
    it's going to be an icy white christmas.
    happy holidays doll


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