Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm back....well, sort of

I've been spending a lot of time at home lately. Not doing anything in particular. Just trying to make sense out of the past couple weeks. The house is empty and very quiet. No doctor appointments to drive to. No chemo treatments. No walking every morning at the mall with my beloved. No spending quality time together. Instead I am going through the motions of day to day living and slowly trying on this new life of mine to see how it fits. I did spend a little time in my studio creating this little college. It depicts the place I am at right now - nesting and trying to heal.

I'd like to thank you all for your touching comments on the previous post about my DH. I can't express how much your sweet words have meant to me during this time. I treasure the written word. Probably because it comes much easier for me than verbal communication. But mostly because the written word can be read over and over again. The words console me and help to mend my broken heart. Thank you so much.
Signature w/rose


  1. dear jeanne...again, YOUR "written" words touches my heart and i feel your pain. i lost my father to cancer several years ago and nothing has ever been quite the same again. i know that you will keep your beloved alive in your heart and in your memories and, he will show you so many ways...that he is still with you! Just believe it and keep your eyes and heart "open" to them. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. jeanne, i am glad to see that you are creating to help with your healing's a beautiful collage you made. i hope this day finds you well and that joy is around the corner for you once again.xo

  3. *HUG* may the small peace and loving thoughts console you. He is there with you... I like the wings with the key opening on your project.I know at time nothing helps..he was blessed to have your love and you to have his. that is so special to treasure. I am thinking of you...thank you for sharing your little collage with us and reaching out. may your sorting out continue peacefully...

  4. Jeanne I'm so glad you are using your art to help heal. Love the is beautiful and so are you. HUGS!

  5. Your "healing" creation is beautiful. I hope you will have some sense of peace today.

  6. Healing takes time. You know just what you need to do - adjusting to a new life will come in stages.


  7. Jeanne,
    Such a beautiful collage. I'm glad your finding comfort through your crafting. Just know that you have friends who are here for you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Very cute mom! Love Ya! I posted something earlier but i spelled it wrong and I then deleted it. So that is why it says that...

  10. I admire your strength Jeanne. I don't have that. I think I would still be curled into a ball. I am so glad you're creating, and trying to adjust to a new life.
    Much love to you.
    Cerri xo

  11. Jeanne,
    I am so glad to see you. As I enter a similar time, it makes me feel good to know that you are beginning to heal and I am so glad you are using your art to help with that. I imagine it will be an up and down process but I am also feeling the healing that comes when I create. It just takes more effort some days.

    I just want you to know that what you have said makes a difference to me in my day-to-day life. I feel brokenhearted but I know I still have some time to live with my dear Jud and don't want to squander that. We have trips to the doctor and walks in the mall and the ups and downs of this whole situation.

    You are in my prayers, Jeanne. Sometimes courage is just putting one foot in front of the other. You are doing this with a lot of grace.

  12. Gosh Jeanne, I am absolutely sick for you dear girl. Please know if I can do ANYTHING for you, or if you need someone to talk too, cry on, pray with you, anything, I am here for you. I don't know what to say that might help you, other than you are in my Prayers and I am a phone call away, just email any time. Sending you Big hugs sweet Jeanne, I am sitting here crying with you..........

  13. Dear Jeanne,
    I just want to tell you how very sorry I am for the loss of your dearest. I had no idea and I am so sad for you. I wish you the sweetest of blessings in this time of sorrow- I can't even imagine the suffering you must be experiencing. My thoughts and prayers are with you sweet Jeanne. God bless you.

  14. Your cottage is darling...I am glad you are doing healing things...big hugs! karen...

  15. It's good to see you back.

  16. (((Big Hugs))) Pouring out your heart through the written word and your creativity is good medicine for the spirit. Continuing to pray for you.

  17. I think you’re an amazing woman and artist. I know you will get through this with grace. What an inspiration you are! Your collage is beautiful! I love the colors. Keep creating.


  18. hi jeanne,

    my heart just sinks. be kind to yourself and give yourself time to weep and hibernate and create.

    thinking of you and sending you heartfelt thoughts and hugs.


  19. I'm thinking about you everyday Jeanne...I'm so glad to see you in the studio creating.....sending big hugs to you....Karin

  20. Dear Jeanne, I was so sorry to hear about your loss. I know you have been through so much and that you are tender and trying to find your way. I have been thinking about you and have been wanting to contact you but so much has happened here and I only just feel like I am sticking my head up out of the fog.
    Please know that my thoughts are with you and I really wish there was something I could do. But rest assured my friendship is always with you.
    warm hugs!!


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