Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Prayers Have Been Answered

Look who has been found!!! Our precious little Hank! I can hardly believe it. My daughter was about half way home when she got the call that he has been found. So they immediately made an U-turn and headed back down to Arkansas. This is truly a miracle....actually two of them!!!
I waited to write this post until she had Hank safely in her arms and she knew for sure it was him. My daughter says he looks thin and as though he had gotten into a few scrapes during the past two weeks, but none of that mattered now that he AND Shooter are back where they belong. Oh how I wish dogs could talk so they could tell us all about their adventure. Thank you once again for each and every prayer you sent their way. It's really true what they say about how much power our thoughts and prayers have. I'm a believer!
Signature w/rose


  1. I am sooooo happy for you!

  2. Praise God! I said a prayer for them and I'm so glad it's been answered this way! I lost my cat for only 45 mins once and it was horrible, so I can only imagine how your family must have felt.

  3. Oh Jeanne, This is such wonderful news, a great way to start the week out. I am so happy for you and your daughter. It must have been so hard on all of you. It is a miracle! Have a wonderful week. I am so glad that they are with their Mom! Hugs, Terri

  4. Gosh Jeanne I'm so happy and relieved for you the doggies and your family *wipes off tears*
    You so deserved this miracle!
    xoxo~ Carola

  5. I absolutely delighted for you!! so pleased Mx

  6. OMG!!!!!!!!! I am sooo happy to read this news. Thank you Jesus!!! what a wonderful thing!

  7. GOOSEBUMPS!! thats what I had, as soon as I read your caption! I couldnt be happier.. or more relieved. I just felt so bad for those dogs being lost! praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!!!
    now everyone can settle in and get ready for christmas without that knot in their bellies.
    have a wonderful day Jeanne

  8. Samantha9:41 AM

    Oh Jeanne, I'm SO happy for all of you! It's Thanksgiving all over again!

  9. Wonderful, wonderful news!

  10. Oh Thank you Lord!!!!!! I am so happy for ALL of you!!!!!!

  11. woo-hoo!!!!! I love it! I'm so happy for the family! amazing

  12. I am so glad both were found and are back safe! Hugs to you!

  13. Yay...such fabulous news! I'm so happy for you all.

  14. Oh so thankful -- have not been home with computer access to see this til now !!! Yes the stroies they could tell : i KNOW THEY AREgetting extra hugs and dog treats !! kathy - ga ♥

  15. Thankful your fur-grands are home safe, Jeanne!

    Total agreement... if they could only tell of their adventures!

    Those cute beagle faces bring back fond childhood memories of Zeke & Lucky for me. Next visit give them both an extra squeeze from yet another animal lover.

    Blessings & hugs,

    PS... LOVE your cute blog banner!


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