Isn't the packaging lovely? This is from Marilyn over at Outside the Lines. She used a page from a vintage (German?) book to wrap her little box. I was ever so careful when opening it hoping I would not tear the paper so I could reuse it.
And these beautiful handmade earrings were inside! I knew that Marilyn was having fun making earrings for her etsy shop, so what better gift for her to give us! They are very pretty ~ but of course everything Marilyn creates is pretty. Thank you Marilyn!
Day Eleven brings us a gift from Martha of Destination Unknown. And again, the packaging is a creation all its own! She made this beautiful fabric pouch to hold her gift.And can you guess what's inside?
A bookmark perhaps?
No, it is a fabric wrist cuff! Please excuse the model's hand though. I am posing at a weird angle for some reason. I guess any hopes for moonlighting as one of those hand models is out of the question! But isn't Martha's workmanship beautiful? It's so lovely and the colors are great for me too. Thanks Martha!
Well, I've got to get going on some last minute preparations now. I'm sure everyone is way too busy to read all of this anyway! Have fun tonight!
Well, I'm off to pick up a few last minute presents ~ there is always some thing that I forget to buy.
Many thanks to Karla for arranging the "What I Love About My Holiday Home" party yesterday. If you missed it, you can see my post here and links to all the other party-goers on Karla's post here. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom half of her post for the links. And you might want to grab yourself a cup of hot chocolate because she has ALOT of links.
Tomorrow is the day! For what you may be asking? For opening the first present in the 12 Days of Christmas gift exchange.
Sweet Heather organized this fun little game and we all have been having a ball creating our presents and sending email updates about our progress. The anticipation is at the MAX ~ well except for those who may have already opened their gifts (tsk-tsk) to sneak a peek and rewrapped them so they can act surprised. Mine are still sitting in the original box they were shipped in, in order to avoid the temptation to rip them all open! (I think I hear them calling out to me saying, "open me!") So, starting tomorrow and for the next 12 days right up to Christmas, we will all be posting photos of our gifties on our blogs. I can't wait to see what all these talented artists have created.
I am hoping that by tomorrow I will feel a little better so I can fully enjoy the festivities. This YUK that I contracted is bothersome. Icky stuff still coming out of my nose and an annoying cough is dragging me down. I feel like I am doing everything in s-l-o-w motion. No wonder not much is getting accomplished!!! I hope this isn't the same bug like the one I had last year when it took 3 rounds of antibiotics to purge it from my system. UGH!