Spent a good portion of the day going through old magazines and trying to decide which ones to keep and which to get rid of. Somehow I seem to have collected more magazines than Barnes & Noble have on their magazine racks! I think it is one of those things that you have to stay on top of otherwise it can get way out of hand, but unfortunately I am not very good at doing that. I have the same problem with catalogs too. I did manage to part with a pretty good sized stack to take out to the recycling bin,
after I tore out any decorating ideas, recipes, travel ideas, how-to articles, gardening tips, colors that inspire me, etc. etc. Okay, now I have created another task for myself - to find a way to organize the torn out pages! Alas, that will have to wait for another day.
Took a break from my magazine sorting project to go to Target to get cat food for our two kitties. Why is it everytime I go in that store to buy just ONE item, I come out with at least FOUR bags of merchandise? Anyway, I found these in the Dollar Spot:

They are actually recipe box dividers, but the bright colors made me think they would make a fun little mini scrapbook. Then for some reason I ended up in the card and stationary aisle and found these monogram note cards that I couldn't resist:

They come with clear epoxy circles to stick on top of the monogram to create a 3-D embellisment look. Cool!