Are any of you easily distracted like me? Gee, I am beginning to think I need a personal assistant (or something like that) to keep myself on task. Lately I seem to be going in a million directions and don't get anything done. For example, yesterday I had every good intention to spend the entire day in my studio to work on all the projects that are in various stages of completion. But I first had to go to the bank, the post office, and a take care of a couple of returns. One the returns was at Homegoods and even though I kept saying to myself I will not go any further than the customer service counter, I found myself wandering around in the bedding section. And lo and behold, I found the perfect comforter to use on the twin beds in the guest room at the cottage. The fact that we don't even have any beds up there yet shouldn't make a difference, should it? 
I have been toying with the idea of having a green and brown color scheme in the guest room for a while now. I occasionally take a peek at the bedding in stores just to see if anything catches my eye. I passed up on cute green and white polka-dot comforters several months ago but talked myself out of buying them because we had so many other more necessary things to buy for the cottage. Now I am sorry I didn't buy them. But when I came across the comforter above (it's a little more yellowy-green than this picture) I didn't want to let another one get away.

Then I found the matching pillow shams, along with a couple others that coordinated nicely. I also found sheets in a skinny stripe similar to the pattern of the middle pillow sham above.

All the while I am finding all these shams, I am still searching for a second comforter to match the first one because I need two of them for the room. And what's this? Another pillow sham! Well this one is grand because it adds other colors to the mix. Remember how I wanted to have a green and brown color scheme? Well the sham above has the brown in it (those skinny leaves are actually brown) and it has turquoise in it as well, which will tie-in the downstairs color scheme. I like when the colors of a house flow from room to room. Well, I simply HAD to have this pillow sham too. A bed can't have too many pillows, right?

Uh oh. . .what is this that I found on the clearance shelf? Two of these polka-dot plates marked down to one dollar! I debated about buying them because afterall this is a bedroom, not a kitchen. But I went back to them after I figured out I could hang them on the wall. I love plates on a wall in any room. And these plates remind me of that polka-dotted comforter I missed out on months ago.

And next to the plates I found this lonely aqua hobnail water goblet priced at $1.00 also. I swear I heard it cry out, "Take me home too" Why not? I can put it on the nightstand filled with chocolates or mints or some other treat for the guests. I can rationalize anything if I put my mind to it.
All these great finds, but I still only had one comforter for two twin beds! So then came the journey to two more Homegoods stores. . . with no luck. I even dragged my husband to a third store after dinner last night, but to no avail. So guess what is on the agenda for today? I have two more TJ Maxx/Homegoods to check out. With the nature of these types of stores, you have to make the rounds of the other stores right away because in a week they will have all new styles of comforters and I will never have a chance of finding a match.
So as a result, the work on my studio desk as well as the boring household chores will have to be put off until tomorrow. . .again! Wish me luck!!!