My three sweet baby birds have flown the coop and left the nest. Early last evening I snapped this photo of them all squeezed together in their nest. Mama was still watching from a safe distance away. And this morning none of them were to be found. They are too big now scrunch down inside the nest, so there was no chance that they were sleeping. And Mama was no longer standing watch over them either. It was time for them to go - to fly - out on their own to make a life for themselves. I will miss checking in on them, but I'm so pleased that they survived their fragile time in the nest.

You can learn more about the American Robin by clicking here.
Maybe they will come back and hang around in your yard for a while. I hope you see them again :)
How you will miss checking on your '3 little babies'. Funny how we look forward to checking on things like this.
Last year I had the same experience with some baby bunnies. I was so surprised when they were finally gone. I so hope they survived! These little guys were certainly up close and personal with you, xo Joan
My, how quickly they grow up and leave the nest. . .
Love your Robin pictures from birth to out of nest. Just let me ask..what is up with robins and WHERE they make there nest..ours was on one of our gutter drain and house...feel down twice...somehow she fixed it. They just tend to try to nest anywhere.
I think ours are gone too! but there were only two in the nest. I used to worry about all the baby birds in our yard, because the two big cats that I lost this year were big time hunters. these new birdies were safe!
that is so sweet that you had those birds on your door...maybe this will be a yearly tradition and one of them will build a nest for her babes on your door next year...
That is spectacular!
Bitter sweet...and so adorable*!*
aw- so cute! I love watching baby robins leave their nest...I'm lucky even to witness it several times each spring. Thanks for the photos! xo natalea
so sweet...a living door arrangement...glad they are okay...xx
That is the cutest thing! I can't believe you were so blessed as to have this in your presence. wow!
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