I have a collection of glass cloches and sometimes I use them to create a pretty vignette like in my
previous post or like Martha does
here. But sometimes I use them for what they were actually intended for - to protect plants. I decided to start a little table top herb garden using some starter kits I picked up at
Target's Dollar Spot. Instead of using the tacky plastic "greenhouse" that came with the kit, I decided to put the little pots on a pretty plate and cover them with one of my garden cloches. I just planted them over the weekend and look at how much they've grown already! The parsley (top right) isn't doing so well with only one sprout, but the basil, chives and oregano are doing great!
hi jeanne,
i need to get me a cloche already! they seem to have hundreds of uses!
i can't go to target without meandering through the dollar spot. decisions like: do i need more hello kitty pencils, tin pails, funny socks? sometimes yes; sometimes no. always fun.
This is a really great idea! I have a couple dozen small pots leftover from my wedding favors and I use those to start seeds in used plastic strawberry cartons, but wow yours look so much nicer. Now I know what I'll be seeking in the thrifts this month!
how cute...i just love to cook with fresh herbs...it really makes a big difference in the taste of things...i have parsley and oregano in my yard right now...i usually plant more, but that is all i did this year...the oregano is perennial...so i actually only planted the parsley this year...
Hi all,it seems like a many use of cloches that we have.It have very good use in gardening.Need more information on it,they can visit here.
garden cloches
That is a great little greenhouse.
I always stop at Targets dollar spot.
Where do you find the cloches?
Jeanne what a great idea. We have Target here in Australia but we don't have a Dollar Spot section.
Sooo sweet...I never tire of cloches.
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