I've been busy in the studio working on swaps and also some new items to put into my Etsy Shop. I'll be doing a shop update either later today or early tomorrow, so stay tuned.
We made a quick trip up to the cottage this past weekend to check things out and to plow out the driveway. We didn't stay as long as planned since the weather forecast was predicting an icy rain storm. It is good we came back when we did because the next morning the streets were encased in an icy-coating. . .pretty, but not much fun to drive or walk on. And up at the cottage there was a 9-inch snowfall (so much for all the snow-plowing we did the day before!)

I have an appointment to have my hair cut and highlighted today. I would like to have a "new do" of some sort, but I feel I should try to drop a few pounds first. (Does anyone have access to a magic wand???) I'd love to have one of those Oprah makeovers where the women come out looking all young and hip afterwards. Ahhh.....nice dream, but that will never happen, so I guess I will just stay here in reality and get the same old haircut. Besides my appointment is in less than 90 minutes from now, so chances of me finding "the perfect haircut" in that amount of time is close to nil !!!
Hope you all are having a terrific Tuesday!
good luck with a new do. Wish I had one too.
It would be fun to have an Oprah makeover.
Love the snow pics.
I wanna see your hair!
Never, say never sistah! I too need a magic wand and will take it after you please. Oh, and please don't even mention this winter coat I have packed on. So sad!!! But my hair has recently been coiffed so that is taken care of.
Hi Jeanne!!! Thanks sooo much for my little surprise valentine in the mail!! I'm posting a picture today on my blog!! Arrrrgggg....I meed a total makeover with my hair. Iv'e been growing it out but it has no style. All I do is wear it in a ponytail....
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