I think I've completely lost my mind! This morning I went to Woodfield Mall - the busiest mall in the area! I've avoided it all season because of the crowds, but something drew me there today. Perhaps it was
this. (I did stop in and pick up a few things.) The truth is, the crowds were bad at all. I think all the shoppers were in line to see the fellow above instead of in the stores shopping.

Santa is situated in front of a huge snow globe in the center of the mall surrounded by lots of sparkling Christmas trees.

I stopped by Macy's to see what kind or ornaments they had this year. It's not the same since they bought out Marshall Field's here. Below is one of their windows featuring a woodland creature theme.

And below is a cotton candy pink decorated tree featuring these adorable felt purse ornaments.

When I was young my parents would take us to downtown Chicago to have lunch by the Christmas tree in Marshall Field's Walnut Room. It was such a treat to sit by that beautifully decorated tree which stood in the middle of the rich walnut paneled restaurant. After lunch we would stand in line to see Santa to tell him our wish lists. And after that we would go outside to look at the store front Christmas windows decorated in the theme chosen for that particular year. I loved taking in the many details of what they had going on in each window scene. I think back then I secretly wanted to be a window dresser when I grew up.

The other evening I took some time out of the hustle bustle of preparing for Christmas to put together this kit I bought from Brandy. It's so sweet and I just love how it turned out.
yea! you made it out! we finally got our winter wonderland in Colorado. Merry Christmas :)
May your holiday season be blessed & beautiful ~
Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
Wow ! Such lovely ornaments! I'd just kill to have one of those owl ones! they're sooooo sweet! I love owls, they come third only to cats and lizards! lol
Have a very Happy Christmas! Filled with snow! Wow...snow. Over here it's so hot we're using the air conditioning!
Hi Jeanne ~ Loved seeing the picture of how your kit from Brandy turned out. I haven't had time to put mine together yet. Yours is adorable. Merry Christmas ~ Kimberly
such pretty pictures! hope your holiday will are perfect as all these pictures!
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