Monday, April 26, 2010

A Favor

This is a photo of my dear Aunt Helen when she was a young girl. She is 98 years old now.
My aunt is the most remarkable woman I know.
We are very close, even though we live 932 miles from each other.
She has been ill for several weeks now and
I wish I could be with her to offer her my love and support in person, like she has done for me throughout the years. But unfortunately I am unable to right now. . .
This is a photo of my husband when he was a young boy. Doesn't he look sweet? Well he is sweet and one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. We've been married for 34 years and he is my rock. This weekend we found out some news we were totally unprepared for and as a result he is under-going surgery today in hopes of remedying the situation.

I believe that the power of prayer can work miracles and I am counting on that right now. So if you have a spare moment today, will you please say a prayer for these two special people.

Signature w/rose


Lori said...

yes, Jeanne...i will certainly say a prayer for those you love!!!

Unknown said...

Prayers lifting for them both, Jeanne.

Have a great week.
TTFN ~ Hugs in love, Marydon

Anonymous said...

Praying for you loved ones Jeanne!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I would be happy to send some prayers up Jeanne!

Terri Gordon said...

Hi Jeanne, I am so sorry, I am praying for your Aunt, husband and also you. You are in my thoughts.

Scrap for Joy said...

I will be praying for all of you. I hope that there is a happy resolution for your husband and peace for your beloved aunt

Samantha said...

I'll be praying Jeanne.

natalea said...

most certainly I will pray for them Jeanne! that's such a sweet photo of your husband..
xo natalea

Alison Gibbs said...

Jeanne sending positive thoughts and love to your dear husband and Aunt.

GerryART said...

Jeannie, they both will be in our thoughts as you will be also.
Hugs & ♥♥♥s,

Cindy said...

Jeanne, consider it done!

yapping cat

vivian said...

You bet.. Prayers are on their way right now!

Karin said...

{{{{Jeanne}}}} Sending super power prayers to you from San Diego. btw...Love that picture of your husband as a boy :)

Lesley said...

Hello Jeanne, I am sending loving thoughts and healing blessings to your two special people. I am a Pagan, but believe that all love is healing, so I hope you will accept these thoughts from me

Unknown said...

I will absolutely be thinking of y’all. Take care of yourself!

Extra Xoxo,


luckygirlgifts said...

Consider it done!!
God Bless you.
Cari B.

Elyse said...

for sure, sweetie! both will be in my prayers.


paperbird said...

Yes they absolutely work. Sending sweet prayers to you and yours.

PJ said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for coming late to read. I pray things will work out perfectly for your love. Take care!

Shabby Cottage Shops said...

Sending many prayers your way. I hope God works his magical healing powers for both your husband and aunt.


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