The hearts pictured in the photo above are actually Christmas ornaments, but these will not get packed away with the santas and snowmen. They will remain out on display in a different setting. The white feather tree in my front hall (pictured near the bottom of this post) will get "re-dressed" with a wide variety of pink and red hearts. I'll post pics of it when the redecoration is complete.

To help us get into the spirit for Valentine's Day (as if we needed any help) there are several swaps going on here and here and here.

Then looking further ahead, Miss Heather (of the 12 Days to Christmas Swap fame) is hosting a similar type Easter swap here which sounds like a lot of fun.
Please pop over to my blog as I'm having a small Valentine's giveaway.
Best Wishes
Such fun to replace the christmas decorations with valentine decor.
Preaching to the choir about turning to thinking about Valentine's Day! Hope we get to see that white tree decked out soon.
Happy New Year!
Ooh, ooh, I signed up for the Hippity Hoppity swap! Doesn't that just sound delightful? Plan to go to my favorite antique mall today to hunt down Christmas bargains and look for more vintage Valentines. Our snow is sadly melting...I love winter white, can't stand winter blah! *grin*
I missed the sign up for the Hippity Hoppity swap! I love the hearts though.
Thanks for the info about the Valentine's swap~ it's going to be my first one and I'm so excited*!*
Thanks again!
I would be sooo honored if the *Queen of Craftiness* joined my
A Deck of Me~2008!
Let me know*!*
happy new year to you!
hope you share images of your teresa creations!
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