I also added some big pom-pom fringe which are held up by a pair of birds that Cerri (Little Pink Studio) surprised me with last year. I am in love with her glittery birdies!

Who (or what) is that behind the curtain you ask? These are the curtains which I used to replace the closet doors that we removed years ago. I orginally wanted to put the day bed in there, but figured I would loose out on too much storage space. That is one of my daughter's many formals from her high school days. I can't bear to part with them. . .mom is a bit sentimental. The slip is a vintage one I bought mainly for the lace, but it looked too pretty to cut up, so for now it hangs safely on a pretty padded hanger!
Open the curtains and this is what you will find. . .three shelving units like this. They used to have doors on them, but I took those off recently too. What is this aversion I have to doors? They were just a hindrance as far as I was concerned, and since the curtain was there to hide the shelves I figured I'd get rid of the doors. I did save them in case I change my mind (which has been know to happen a time or two), but for now I am liking the easy access I have to my supplies.
The utility drawers shown below used to be hidden away behind the cupboard doors in the base of this hutch. But that proved too impractical because I had to keep getting on my hands and knees in order to find anything. And lots of time I have projects piled on the floor in front of the hutch so I couldn't even open the doors! So beauty gave way to practicality and the drawers were placed in full view. Someday I may get around to painting the blue ones white (or vice versa) but for now they will stay as they are.
The little JOY plaque is from Donna (Under the Red Roof) and although it was a Christmas gift, I am keeping it on display year round because I love the colors and it's nice being greeted by a little joy everyday. In the jar above it is one of Cerri's little Princess Birds which also was a gift. She is in the jar waiting for me to finish a project I am working on with her and the jar.
Speaking of jars, do you all love vintage blue mason jars as much as I do? I think the color is divine and I love the weathered zinc lids too. I use a lot of these up at the cottage too because that aqua blue color is a big part of the color scheme there. I can't resist pretty things that can double as storage pieces.
Below the jars are the shelves my DH built me years and years ago for my rubber stamps. These shallow shelves fit perfectly in the space behind the door to the room. So when the door is open, the shelves are completely hidden and you don't have to look at all the rubber stamps and feel guilty about the amount of $$$ you spent on them. You know the old saying ~ out of sight, out of mind! 
I love seeing your creative space. It looks great. I too love seeing your jars above the stamp {{collection}}. I have a few I bought last year at a yard sale for $1 each. I should have bought all she had! I love em!
Thanks for spurring me on to complete my organization!
oh goodness, what a fabulous dreamy space! i love your inspire board too!
Whoa Jeanne! I like how you think BIG! Congratulations :) You must be feeling pretty happy right about now
Jeanne you have such a huge amount of storage goodies. So clever.
I am currently working on organizing my MESS right now as I take a little break and blog surf and I have to tell you this post is SOOOOO Inspiring!! What a beautifully organized space you have. Love Love it!! The closet with the curtain is awesome!
xoxo Heather
your studio looks just divine! i love it.
so peaceful and sweet. a great place to create
your studio is so gorgeous and your closet so well organized. I seriously need to reorganize my space and all my stuff. Thank you for the inspiration!
I'm so envious of your creative space, anything I create is done on top of my bed with boxes strewn across the floor!
I can't wait to create my own space!
Best Wishes
Jeanne, it all looks fabulous! I love, love the way you put the doves on the memo board with the pompom trim! It looks gorgeous!
I have some of your fabulous art work on my memo board! :0)
~Cerri xoxo
Wow..how soft and sweet is your craft space!!! Coincidentally I spent the entire day cleaning and redecorating my space. I'll post pix. soon. Thanks for sharrin..Sandy xox
This looks great! I love the closet and the shelves.
Jeanne, your creative space is wonderful. One needs to have lots of stamps..........
After seeing Lori's blog, I'm looking at the huge closet in the playroom with slightly different eyes....
After looking at your room, I'm more determined than ever to get organized*!*
wow! I love it all!
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