That was the beginning of day 2 at the show. The ending wasn't quite as much fun. After watching a demonstation on making ravioli at the Kitchen Aid booth, I noticed my purse was missing. Of course we had just moved from one building to another clear across the complex, which is where I determined the "abduction" probably took place. We trekked back to the scene of the crime and no sign of it. After stopping at several different information booths and each of them directing us to a different area where the Lost & Found was suppose to be, we finally arrived at the Show Office where we gave a description of the purse and it's contents. We sat outside the office and called my bank, credit card company and cell phone company at the recommendation of my daughter. (Thank goodness someone had a clear head at this point!) She called her father to tell him the bad news and to inform him we had no way of getting home since my car keys were in the purse! All we could do is to sit and wait until my DH came to pick us up. And after awhile, lo and behold the gal we spoke to in the Show Office came walking towards us carrying my purse! I couldn't believe my eyes!!! Everything was still intact - well, everything except the CASH and my iPhone! The car keys & credit cards were still there and I was so relieved about that.
Not sure if I will replace my dear iPhone friend. I found out it will cost a fortune to replace. I am still mulling over my options. But one thing for sure, the next time I go anywhere, my car keys will be in one pocket of my pants, my credit card will be in another and my cell phone...well, let's see...maybe I can fit that in my bra!
oooh nooo. Well I am SO GLAD you got your cards and keys back because we know what a hassle that is but now a double hassle after canceling them :(
Too bad about your iPhone.. bummer. Hope everything is ok and glad you got home safely. xoxo
Jeanne, how terrible for you...i am glad at least that your keys and credit cards weren't taken...Paula sounds like a HOOT!!! i always like watching her show!!!
That really stinks. It's a shame that when going someplace so wonderfully creative and fun that you should have to worry about something like that.
Well, just try to focus on the fun stuff, it sounded like a blast.
Cari B.
Oh Jeanne what a shame that something like that should happen. At least you got your cards and keys back.
Other than that it sounds like it was fun
Uggh! What a pain. Such a violation. But like you said, you didn't lose the more important stuff, thank goodness.
Paula is such a star :)
Oh Jeanne, this is awful!! Why do people do these things, for money? they loose their reputation for a few lousy dollars and a phone. Sad, and sickening! I'm so sorry this happened to you.
What a yucky feeling. I'm so glad you got the purse back and I'm so sad you lost your cool phone. I can't imagine how someone could feel good about using a stolen phone. I guess the reality is they sell it or fence it or whatever it's called. So mean and crappy.
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