What do you suppose this is? An impressionist paint perhaps?
Well no, it is not fine art. It is a fine example of recycled art from none other than Anthropologie. They have the most amazing displays. They fascinate me as I try to figure out how and they are made. Do you remember the winter display I shared with you here?

Take a closer look. . . .what do you see?
Interesting flowers? But what are they made out of?

Well. . . they are recycled water bottles! The bottles are colored with paints, possibly when they are in their original state. (Insert a little paint and then swirl around inside the bottle.) Then they are cut into vertical strips from the bottom up to the bottle opening. (The opening then becomes the center of the flower!) Then the strips are shaped into flower petals. So simple and yet so ingenious! Gotta love those Anthropologie stores as they are always so innovative and full of inspiration. Hope your day is full of inspiration!
Thanks for the pretty pink Valentine in Natalea's swap! It is one of my favorites!! BTW, I love your blog!
is this one of the chandeliers? I WANT. It would look gorgeous in my studio.
They are always inspiring that's for sure. I love the whimsy they bring to every day products...always amazing.
I love these! what a cool idea! Mx
These bottle flowers are so cool. We saw them when we were in NY at the Anthro in Rockefeller Center and loved the idea. Their window displays are THE BEST, and when you add in the recycling that makes them over-the-top fantastic!!
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