Shhhh....don't tell my DH, but I have a special place in my heart for the postman. He hand delivers such wonderful gifts right to my door....what a guy!!!! The package above arrived from my friend Mercedes in Spain! I first "met" Mercedes after I posted pics of my Winter Wishes book here. And then Mercedes was inspired to make her own version of the book here. And then she was seet enough to send me this lovely handmade Valentine greeting. . .
. . . along with these scrumtious collection of laces. Thank you Mercedes. ~ you are a sweetheart!
The second package her brought me was an order from Karen of Mrs. Kwitty's. All wrapped in a pink (handmade) box with a cute vintage tag. . .

. . came this darling hand embroidered blue bird singing, "Love You." Surrounded with buttons on a felt heart. There is even a button detail on the back of the heart.
Isn't he the sweetest?
The final goodie that Mr. Postman handed me is this wonderful Monogram Journal that I ordered from Rebecca Sower. It has a clear acrylic cover and lots and lots of pages to fill up.
And again, I am a sucker for the details.
Since I received so much love in the mail yesterday, I thought it was time to pass on this "Spread the Love Award that sweet Dianna bestowed upon me last week.
She included the following instructions for passing this award along to other fellow bloggers:"When you receive it (or a week or so after...I am hopeless!) you are in turn supposed to award it to someone else. The award is for spreading love, support, and blogginess to those people and blogs that make you happy and in turn, make others want to spread some of that good stuff around too*!* You are to then go to leave them a comment letting them know that you left them a little tidbit on your blog. When you send it out~you could get it back more than once! (if you're just that awesome)"So without further adieu, (drum roll please) I ask the following inspiring people to "Spread the Love," by passing this award along to others ~ Cerri, Heather B, Holly, Karin, Jessi, Mercedes, Alison, and Heather K.
Oh thank you Jeanne. How sweet. I can't wait to blog it. You certainly did get some lovelies in the mail this week. I adore the embroidered heart!!!
Wow - those are fantastic gifts! I wish my mailman would bring me some of what you got :)
aahh thanks sweetie, that made my day!. i will pass it on when i return!
thanks for thinking of me.
cross your fingers. im sure all will go well.
Ooh! I can see why you love the Postman! The lace alla' Espana is gorgeous! Love the embroidered heart too. Thanks for sharing. - Amy Bauer
Oh what delightful gifts the mailman brought for you. No wonder you "love" him. The embroiderd heart is so sweet. Lots of lovely lace too.
Thank you for the award.
What a nice surprise for that award, my first one!! really you did my day too. I will post in my blog tomorrow.
I ´m happy you like the laces and soon you can use them
Wow--thanks for the nice write-up Jeanne! What a nice surprise. It's always fun to see things you made when they arrive at their new home.
I am totalling drooling over all that beautiful lace! Just gorgeous, you have a very nice friend there!
I'm glad you left me a link to your blog--looks like a fun read. I know what I'll do after the kids go to sleep tonight......
Smiles, Karen
Thanks so much for thinking of me to "spread the love" to!! so sweet!
Lovin all of your pretties in the mail. I am certain my Mailman hates me with all of the boxes I get sometimes. lol!
Have a great day and thanks so much for your compliments on my cupboard! xoxo Heather
Love your packages. I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I like your studio. It all looks so nice.
Oh, thank you so much, sweet Jeanne. I feel the same way about you. xoxo. You're cleaned out crafty space is making me wanna get in mine and clean it out. It looks like a tornado ran through it right now and i pretty much HATE it. Maybe Saturday I'll get my groove back and get in there and organize it. xo
love your rebecca sower journal...i have one too! i love seeing all the different looks she created.
great blog jeanne!
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